
Chris Chippendale

"By the end of the first chapter, I knew I’d be giving this book to my whole team. By the end of the second, I was telling everyone I knew about it. By the end of the third, I realised maybe even I had something to learn from it!

"Joking aside, this is a book I will be going back to again and again. It’s chock full of insights for anyone either in or aspiring to a leadership role. Society’s views on what constitutes good leadership are less stable than they once were, and certain traditional values are being de-emphasised in favour of new ones. Piers’ unique position on either side of this transition means that he is unusually well placed to help you navigate this change. On the one hand, adapting to the newer world and avoiding becoming 'out of touch'. On the other, not abandoning the tried and tested characteristics that have always defined the best leaders.

"There are so many valuable moments, phrases and lessons packed inside, it’s not possible to absorb them all in one go. It’s probably best enjoyed slowly, but unfortunately I can’t seem to out it down. Piers writes with both humour and clarity, and brings each chapter to life with fascinating examples and anecdotes from his own life and career. If you’re after an academic “textbook” analysis of leadership, look elsewhere. If you’re looking for a book that will make you both laugh and learn simultaneously however, you’ve found it.

"Definitely one I’ll be reading multiple times."

Jacqueline de Rojas, CBE

President, Digital Leaders & Co-Chair, Institute of Coding

"It is said that you don’t really understand something until you have experienced it for yourself but the humorous way in which Piers shares his stories offers a way of getting so very close to the ability to learn through his self-reflection. This book is a lesson in life-long learning, staying relevant and remaining authentic."


"How to understand life and be a success. A compelling read offering a fascinating blend of practical guidance and advice. The book has a magic spark that encourages the reader to reach higher in both business and in life. Piers guides you on your journey to success."

Lyndsey Clay

Founder, Connected Brighton, RWC Entrepreneur of the Year 2022

"Invaluable insights, an absolute must read no matter where you are on the career ladder!"

NYC People

As someone who is familiar with business and leadership development, I found this book immensely helpful. Besides what might be obvious business developmental help, Piers’ insight into the emotional and psychological underpinnings of a great leader comes through with clarity and usefulness. Bravo! To all those current and future leaders, this book is for you.

Rolf Pfeiffer

Schwarz & Pfeiffer Executive Advisory Partners GmbH

I have just finished reading your book - and I don’t know where to start … so many nuggets of wisdom, gold dust sprinkled everywhere. I love the blend of client-related insights, personal reflection, elements of your own story. Surprising stops at new ideas, a true scenic road journey along such rich experience and deep reflection. Best of all, on many occasions I could hear your voice tell the stories in real time, where the smile on your face while telling the story is transported by your voice, a smile in your voice therefore. You clearly did have this book in you, and I am glad for all the readers that you have made it emerge from inside of you for all of us to be accessible.

The joy of sharing is palpable throughout the book …. and it seems that your book works, it has elicited a reaction that is close to your intention. Many thanks for allowing me (and many others) to step into your world.

Allen Blewitt

Former Global CEO, ACCA

“Quintessentially, Piers is a natural mentor for leaders. He is always understated, a quality much to be admired in a sage advisor. His insights into leadership and its challenges are profound and wide-
ranging, covering global themes, human behaviour and organisa-
tional culture. His own not insubstantial corporate experiences
provides nuance within a clearly business-savvy approach. Piers is
rarely dogmatic but seeks to mentor and advise through more subtle
approaches, tailored to his clients, who he understands deeply. In his
new book, Piers provides thought provoking explanations and exam-
ples of how his philosophy and practices developed over time. He has
remained a trusted confidant over the last 15 years of my professional

Lee McCormack

CEO, MyGlobalHome

"If you're looking for a fresh take on the entrepreneur and leadership journey, this book is a must. It's a friendly and compelling read that will have you approach challenges in a whole new light. The book offers plenty of non-traditional insights that are sure to get you thinking and reflecting on your own experiences. Whether you're an entrepreneur or just curious about the path, this book has something for everyone."

Sahil Verma

CEO, The Cookaway

“Piers has poured his years of experience of motivation and leadership into this book. A must read!”

Kurt Stoffel

Board Member Darling Ingredients Inc., Irving, Texas

Packed with the experiences of a former top manager and a very successful and recognized top executive advisor and mentor, “Are You Still The Future?” is a wonderful book for anyone who is in the process of changing careers and possibly transitioning from leadership roles to becoming more of a mentor. I really enjoyed reading it.

James Pallett

Clinic Director and Senior Osteopath, Holistic Health Centre, Sydney Australia

Well done Piers. The best book I’ve read on leadership for the modern world. A must read for anyone regardless of where you fit in the spectrum of working enterprise

Andy Homer

Chair, Global Risk Partners

“An engrossing account of leadership learnt and lived. Packed full of advice and thoughtful reflection. A chuckle filled winner.”

Barry O’Dwyer

Group CEO, Royal London

“Immensely readable and packed full of nuggets of wisdom. I read it cover to cover and I know I will find myself dipping back in frequently.”

Gavin Dalgleish

CEO, Illovo Sugar

"It is wonderfully quite unlike any other book I have read on leadership."

Caspar de Bono 

MD, Edward de Bono Ltd

"Piers is an outstanding mentor and I am deeply grateful for his support. A true Obi-Wan Kenobi. Anyone who is too busy to read this book, needs to read this book. Piers gives excellent and practical advice on how to lead by being worth following."

Margaret Heffernan,

Professor of Practice at University of Bath

"Reading this book is like having a mentor in your pocket. Piers has worked with so many different people, in such a range of businesses and predicaments, that he has accumulated enormous wisdom and insight. Best of all, he shares this with warmth and humanity – not the cold abstractions of business strategy but the gritty reality of being in charge. I can’t think of anyone who wouldn’t find pearls of wisdom in this treasure trove."

Dr Christopher Hong

Area Manager GB & Benelux, WingFan

"Piers has condensed a wealth of experience and knowledge into an informative and entertaining read. The advice is general enough to be enjoyed by most, backed up by examples from his own life and also his 20 years of coaching. There will be something insightful that applies to most life situations and any stage of life and career. Whether you are looking for a biography of a successful, jet-setting executive or to further your own career and set your life goal, this is a book for you."

Dr. Michael Kock

Senior Vice President,
Innovation Catalyst at Inari

"Do not read this book if you are just a PILP – a person in a leadership position - without the risky aspiration to become a true leader. You will - at best - not understand the multifaceted picture of leadership Piers is laying out, or - at worst - get deeply frustrated in view of the opportunities you are missing. Do read this book if you are a leader on a journey and feel unfinished (as we all sometimes do). You will re-discover the lost art of true leadership. How to be a signpost not a weathervane. Leadership as a mindset and culture, not as a position of power or a bigger office. Piers, with decades of experience in business and coaching - with this book does the 'magic trick': he compresses volumes of leadership literature into an almost transcendental experience. The book is like its author: informative but light, transformative but full of humor, direct but elegant, and full of deep wisdom. It is a work of coaching in itself."



"I started to read your beautiful book on Sunday evening and couldn’t move for 175 pages. By then it was very late and I finally went to bed. I was incredibly moved by your writing; I didn’t just read it, I heard your familiar voice guide me through each paragraph, retelling some familiar stories and then drawing back a curtain almost like a magician, revealing themes and stories from another life. It was authentic, well researched and familiar all at the same time. It wasn’t at all what I had expected. It was personal, the language was digestible, understandable and sneakily rich. I have found other books in this genre a little preachy or maybe even pious. I think the heart of its success goes to the absence of judgement. The stories are thoughtfully laid out and there is room to breathe. It’s a great book, Piers, you have nailed it!"

Rachel Grant

Executive Director of Communications and Advocacy at CEPI

"This book was the fizz in my glass of champagne and such was the perfect antidote to our collective post-pandemic fatigue. It's quite unlike anything you will have read before. Through an interweaving of personal experience, academic study and more than a sprinkling of magic Piers will take you through the really big questions on your leadership journey and provide you with the confidence to become your authentic self. More than that though it will help you understand things about yourself in a profound and useful way and as such, it really is a book for life."



"This is not a cookbook on leadership wherein you can look up a recipe for any occasion (decision, situation, challenge, etc.). It is a lifetime's collection of anecdotes and insights that you will return to as you negotiate your career path and leadership journey. It will broaden your view of the world and of yourself."

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This book is for the leaders of tomorrow; the ones who are hungry and thirsty for success in all its forms. It’s also for those who have achieved success and are wondering what to do with it – when it’s not just about the money, but also about finding meaning in your life. Get your copy from: